Sylvamo aligns its ESG reporting with several global reporting frameworks, including TCFD. The table below indicates the location(s) where particular topics are discussed in our public disclosures.
Governance CDP 10-K ESG Report Statement
Organization's governance around climate-related risks and opportunities 
Describe the board's oversight of climate related risks and opportunities  C1.1b  Pg. 8  Pg. 12  
Describe management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities  C1.2    Pg. 11   
Risk Management
Disclose how the organization identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks and then integrates them into organization's overall risk management  C2.2    Pg. 12   
Describe the climate related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over short, medium, and long term and their impact on strategy  C3.3  Pg. 4-5  Pg. 12  
Transition Risks 
Current & Emerging Regulation, Legal Risks  C2.2a Pg. 4-5, 18     
Technology Risks C2.2a Pg. 17     
Market Risks C2.2a Pg. 13     
Reputation Risks C2.2a Pg. 12     
Physical Risks C2.2a Pg. 12     
Renewable Energy Partnership  C2.4a Pg. 8     
Revolving Credit Agreement with ESG KPIs  C2.4a      
Nymolla LBG Partnership     Pg. 7  
Describe the resilience of the organization's strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios  C3.2b      
Metrics & Targets 
Disclose metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process 
Energy  C8.2a   Pg. 6  
Water Use & Stewardship      Pg. 3  
Forest Stewardship  C12.3   Pg. 4  
GHG Emissions  C6.10   Pg. 6  
Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against those targets 
Water Use & Stewardship      Pg. 3  
Forest Stewardship      Pg. 3  
GHG Emissions  C4   Pg. 3