
Energy is vital to papermaking and we are proud of our efforts to reduce energy usage. We generate more than 85% of our total mill energy needs from renewable, carbon-neutral biomass residuals rather than fossil fuels. Biomass residuals are the by-products from converting a tree into cellulose pulp.
Biogenic Carbon Cycle
Biogenic Carbon Cycle

Trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and as they decay, biogenic carbon is released back to the atmosphere. This natural cycle is balanced, so atmospheric CO2 levels remain unchanged.

Sylvamo Energy Sources Summary
Sylvamo Energy Sources Summary

Residual biomass is used to generate 85% of our mill energy needs, releasing biogenic carbon back to the atmosphere. The cycle repeats as working forests are sustainably managed to continuously produce fiber for future harvests.

Breakdown of Our Global Fuel Consumption:

85 %

Total Biogenic Fuel Use

15 %

Fossil Fuels 


Sylvamo has a responsibility as a public company to steward our footprint within the communities we operate in. It is critical that we measure and disclose emission inventory annually to demonstrate our commitment to climate action. One of our responsible operations targets is to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the facilities that we own and operate.

Sylvamo has a 2030 GHG absolute reduction goal of 35% with a 2019 baseline year, across all three scopes. To calculate our target, we used the Science Based Target initiative’s (SBTi) calculator and selected the absolute contraction method, under the “well below two degrees Celsius” scenario; this was validated by SBTi in 2023. SBTi validated a “well below 2 degree” absolute reduction target across all 3 scopes in early 2023 and we disclose progress in our annual sustainability performance review report, along with our annual CDP submission.

"SBTi approval is a major accomplishment for such a young organization. We know the future of paper deserves a company committed to the success of the entire ecosystem. This is one more example of how our 2030 goals highlight our commitment to producing paper in the most responsible and sustainable ways."

James McDonald
Chief Sustainability Officer
Our 2023 progress of 20% reduction of total inventory was due to less consumption of raw materials and energy across the fleet. We recently received a limited assurance verification over our Scope 1, 2, and 3 data for the baseline year and the most recent year of data, 2019 and 2023, respectively.

We have also had many internal workshops collaborating with staff groups throughout Sylvamo how best to maneuver the regulatory landscape in the next calendar year, again demonstrating how our governance structure establishes a seamless avenue of communication for all stakeholders involved with Sylvamo’s climate transition plan.


(Scope 1, 2 and 3)

Total gross Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by region (metric tons CO2e)

Scope 1 Emissions 51,759
Scope 2 Emissions* 4,205
Scope 3 Emissions 801,514
Latin America
Scope 1 Emissions 146,846
Scope 2 Emissions* 29,014
Scope 3 Emissions 2,064,332
North America
Scope 1 Emissions 493,842
Scope 2 Emissions* 41,596
Scope 3 Emissions 1,474,541
*Location and market based
Scope 1 Emissions Scope 2 Emissions* Scope 3 Emissions
Europe 51,759 4,205 801,514
Latin America 146,846 29,014 2,064,332
North America 493,842 41,596 1,474,541
*Location and market based
Because Scope 3 GHG emissions account for more than 60% of our total emissions, we will conduct our annual vendor GHG questionnaire to obtain upstream emissions data from suppliers that make up a large percentage of our purchased goods and services footprint. This survey provides insight into innovations and solutions available from our suppliers.

We follow a hybrid methodology to calculate our Scope 3 emissions utilizing the National Council of Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) Scope 3 Beta calculator; it is based on guidance from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This tool includes those categories that have the greatest potential effect on Scope 3 emissions for forest product companies.