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No Mail, Low Morale



MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Netflix’s recent release The Six Triple Eight spotlights the only Women’s Army Corps unit of color deployed during World War II. The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion sorted through a three-year backlog of mail caused by rapid movement of troops across Europe and a shortage of personnel to handle mail. 

‘No mail, low morale’ became the group’s motto as they created a 24-hour processing system and redirected 17 million pieces of mail ahead of schedule. The battalion was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honor presented by U.S. Congress, in 2022.   

“I love that ‘no mail, low morale’ was the group’s motto. It highlights the impact of direct mail and how it delivers hope, boosts spirits and helps businesses and organizations stand out,” said Cheryl Chapman, product manager, Bristols and Envelope Papers at Sylvamo. “At Sylvamo, we advocate to ensure our customers can rely on mail as an effective way to communicate.” 

Today, Sylvamo generates one-third of the paper sent through the U.S. Postal service. Postal rate hikes continue to disrupt the industry, resulting in declining mail volume and reduced on-time delivery. 

Sylvamo works alongside industry organizations like the Envelope Manufacturers Association, to support causes devoted to combating postal rate increases and protecting the mailing business.  

In 2024, Sylvamo launched “Pressing Issues,” a webinar series, to explore tactics to keep the U.S. Postal Service delivering reliably and affordably. 

View the series’ latest: 

Attend the next series on the USPS Mail Grown Incentive on February 21st.  

Photo Credit: GL Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

Netflix and Tyler Perry Productions are not affiliated with nor a sponsor of Sylamo.

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