Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards allow organizations to transparently disclose their economic, environmental and social performance indicators in a standardized and structured manner.
The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provides guidelines for organizations to effectively disclose and manage climate-related risks, allowing investors and stakeholders to make informed decisions in the face of climate change.
CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) runs a global environmental disclosure system, supporting thousands of companies, cities, states and regions to manage risks and opportunities on climate change, water security and deforestation.
EcoVadis is a global platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools, helping businesses assess the environmental, social and ethical practices of their supply chains.
We are committed to the long-term health of our entire ecosystem, including the forests we love, the communities where we live and those who rely on our paper.
Our framework to build a better future is set out in our 2030 goals for sustainable forests, thriving people and communities and responsible operations.