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Sylvamo Offers Maintenance Course Exclusively For Women



MOGI GUAÇU, Brazil – In partnership with Brazil’s Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI), Sylvamo is offering a free maintenance assistant course exclusively for women in Mogi Guaçu and Luiz Antônio.

Sylvamo will accept thirty-two chosen candidates – 16 from each city – to the three-month course. Upon completion, attendees will earn certifications as well as exposure to potential career opportunities with Sylvamo. In Brazil, Sylvamo employs more than 3,000 people and operates mills in Mogi Guaçu, Luiz Antônio and Três Lagoas.

''Sylvamo believes in inclusion and diversity, and one of the company's 2030 goals is to give women more opportunities," said Anna Tasca, human resources manager at Sylvamo. "Offering exclusive courses for women reinforces our commitment to gender equality, emphasizing that women can and should occupy all roles. 

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